Voting with Faith: Choosing Biblical Principles Over Political Parties
Title: Voting with Faith: Choosing Biblical Principles Over Political Parties As election season approaches, many Christians face the difficult decision of choosing between candidates and policies that don’t fully align with biblical values. Instead of identifying with a particular party, we should aim to vote according to the principles found in Scripture. Here’s how we can navigate this challenging time with a commitment to God’s Word and a heart for righteousness. 1. Prioritize Righteousness Over Party Loyalty The Bible calls us to seek God’s righteousness above everything else in our lives. Jesus taught, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33, NIV). This means that our choices—including whom we vote for—should reflect a desire to advance God’s righteousness on earth. Rather than casting a vote based solely on party loyalty or personal preference, we can examine each candidate’s positions and actions ...